You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise.
hjjkh kjhkjhkj jkhjkh jhjhjk kjhjk kjhkjh kjhjh jjhkjhj jkhjkhj
You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise.
You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise.
hsj jash djhjsa d jashdj sajdhjsa djhsajd jsahdj sajdjsahdj sahd kjsdhsjh djs hajdhkjsad jkshjhsjadhd
You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise.
jhdsj hjas jhsajd jsa djs ahkjsjahjd sajhdjks adj sajdhjks dkjsahdj sajdhjsa djkhsajd hsa djsh djshajd jshdjhsa jdhjsa dkjhsa jd sajdhjsa dhjs dkj sajdhjsa djkhsjdhj sadj sakjdhsa jdhjsa djhjdhdjsad
You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise.
You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise.